Vendor and Entertainment
Registration is OPEN
Do you have something to sell?
Information you want to share?
A talent you'd like to show off?
Then this is the place to be!
Every 3rd Thursday from May to September

3rd Thursday Street Fests offer you a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products, at a very low fee. Our mission includes promoting area artisans, crafters, performers, and small and home businesses. The Fests provide interactive exposure to a large audience of between 5-10,000 people. Our previous 20 seasons have been resounding successes which bring together art, culture, commerce and community in downtown Willimantic.
You could be part of the Fests:
Effective Advertising
The festival is advertised throughout the region, bringing thousands to see your wares.
Establish New Customers
Sign up for the season and get repeat customers!
Hand Out Business Cards
Get Exposure!
Celebrate Our Community
Be a part of revitalizing Main Street Willimantic
Willimantic Renaissance, Inc. and the 3rd Thursday Street Fest are dedicated to represent and include our entire diverse community in all our endeavors. Vendor location preference will be given to local and seasonal vendors. The Street Fests are run 100% by volunteers, so we appreciate your consideration in registering 2 weeks ahead and paying at least one week prior to the Fest.